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I don't know where to begin.  When the pain started?  When acid reflux started?  When I was diagnosed with Stage IV Invasive Lobular Carcinoma?  Here's a summary of what I've gone through the last 4 months. October 2020, I started having bouts of acid reflux.  Eventually got worse and was put on Pepcid.  After a few months of that, I didn't notice any improvement, so I was put on something else.  I asked to skip the 2nd drug and go straight for an  endoscope.  That was declined saying it was protocol to rule out 2 meds. Approx. a month later, I started having stomach issues/pain.  Not diverticulitis pain but I knew it was something that needed to be checked.  So, I checked myself in ER May 17, 2021.  CT scan showed intestinal blockage caused likely by scar tissue.  Dr. Martin broke the news.  She became my person at that moment.  We connected.  I trusted her, instantly.  The nurse inserted an NG tu...

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