E.D. Hill to Have Preventative Double Mastectomy

January 27th, 2010

Former Fox News anchor and conservative journalist E.D. Hill informed “The View” co-hosts today that she will have a preventative double mastectomy. Essentially,  she does not have breast cancer; she just doesn’t want to get it. And since a strong family history increases her chances of developing the disease, she’s taking action to keep herself as healthy as possible.
Seem too extreme to you? Or would you do it, too?  I admire E.D. very much.  She made this her choice, on her terms.  I love that.  As you know, I didn't hestitate to have my left breast removed at the same time my right was removed.  Having it removed prophylactiacally was a choice I made.  And I'm thankful I listened to my gut on this one, now knowing I had a small invasive lobular carcinoma tumor growing there.  I don't regret my decision.  Even if my left breast didn't have a tumor, I believe pretty strongly that I would still feel grateful and relieved to have it gone.  I hope and pray you never have to make this choice or even have to consider it.  Love, Nancy


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