Oncology Appointment . . .
Wow, so much to say. . . get ready for this . . . (parts of this will sound ridiculous, b/c well. . . it IS RIDICULOUS!)
I'm scheduled for Chemo this Thursday, 8/20/09 - not at 1:30pm but at 9:30am.
I'm not having AC after all. My oncologist feels that TC (Taxotere/Cytoxan) would be a better chemo-cocktail. I agree, especially reading this article (Click on title). I asked my dr. to triple check to see if I for sure didn't qualify for the Avastin study. He said he would. . .
So, we're all set. . . right? No. . . When I got to work, I receive a call from the Research Nurse (Joan). She says that she made a phone call to the Clinical Trial folks and it turn out that I DO qualify for the dang study.
Why this phone call confirmation wasn't made 2+ weeks ago when I asked her 5 different ways "are you sure I don't qualify for this study . . .??) That's the ridiculous part. & yes, I did asked her and she gave me a lame answer. blah, blah, blah...
If I choose to do the study, I will need make an appointment for a heart scan & EKG (b/c the AC could damage the heart muscle and they need to make sure my ticker can take it), and have blood work done. If all that's normal, then they order the drugs which takes, hello?, another 7 days. Basically, this could delay my chemo 2 weeks.
Joan's phone call really confused me. One minute I'm not a canidate and the next I am. Then one minute the dr. says AC is the way to go and now it's not. . . My gut tells me that TC is the way to go.
I called a nurse w/ a different hospital and asked her advice (thanks Monique for that contact!). And guess what? She gladly gave it to me. So grateful. She thinks TC is the way to go. It works. Then I found the above article. . . I'll research some more tonight.
The Avastin study might or might not be right for me. And the study takes 6 months then another 3 months (if after the 6 months, and the trial is unblinded and I was actually given the Avastin).
I'm on for Thursday, 9:30am. I'll read the real scary Avastin study clinical trial paper work tonight, but I'm 99.9% sure I'll skip the trial. Maybe if this was a choice 2+ weeks ago, then maybe my dicision would be different.
Here are my Chemo-dates - please mark your calendars to send extra positive energy my way:
8/20 - 9:30am
9/10 - 10:15am
10/01 - 10:15am
10/22 - 9:45am
11/12 - 9:30am
12/3 - 9:30am
One other thing to mention . . . I'll be assigned to a new Oncologist b/c my current dr. is being relocated up to San Marco in Oct. It's actually a good thing. And if this new oncologist rubs me the wrong way, KP will hear about it.
Wow, I guess I ranted a little bit on this posting.
Tonight, my hair will be cut short in preparation for loosing it. This will be fun. And don't be surprised if I have platnium blonde hair tomorrow! I'll take before and after pictures. Bonnie, I'll be back once my hair grows back. Love you GIRL!
Love you all!
oh, one more link. . . this is fun. A-List B-Cups! Love it! http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-08-12/a-list-b-cups/
I'm scheduled for Chemo this Thursday, 8/20/09 - not at 1:30pm but at 9:30am.
I'm not having AC after all. My oncologist feels that TC (Taxotere/Cytoxan) would be a better chemo-cocktail. I agree, especially reading this article (Click on title). I asked my dr. to triple check to see if I for sure didn't qualify for the Avastin study. He said he would. . .
So, we're all set. . . right? No. . . When I got to work, I receive a call from the Research Nurse (Joan). She says that she made a phone call to the Clinical Trial folks and it turn out that I DO qualify for the dang study.
Why this phone call confirmation wasn't made 2+ weeks ago when I asked her 5 different ways "are you sure I don't qualify for this study . . .??) That's the ridiculous part. & yes, I did asked her and she gave me a lame answer. blah, blah, blah...
If I choose to do the study, I will need make an appointment for a heart scan & EKG (b/c the AC could damage the heart muscle and they need to make sure my ticker can take it), and have blood work done. If all that's normal, then they order the drugs which takes, hello?, another 7 days. Basically, this could delay my chemo 2 weeks.
Joan's phone call really confused me. One minute I'm not a canidate and the next I am. Then one minute the dr. says AC is the way to go and now it's not. . . My gut tells me that TC is the way to go.
I called a nurse w/ a different hospital and asked her advice (thanks Monique for that contact!). And guess what? She gladly gave it to me. So grateful. She thinks TC is the way to go. It works. Then I found the above article. . . I'll research some more tonight.
The Avastin study might or might not be right for me. And the study takes 6 months then another 3 months (if after the 6 months, and the trial is unblinded and I was actually given the Avastin).
I'm on for Thursday, 9:30am. I'll read the real scary Avastin study clinical trial paper work tonight, but I'm 99.9% sure I'll skip the trial. Maybe if this was a choice 2+ weeks ago, then maybe my dicision would be different.
Here are my Chemo-dates - please mark your calendars to send extra positive energy my way:
8/20 - 9:30am
9/10 - 10:15am
10/01 - 10:15am
10/22 - 9:45am
11/12 - 9:30am
12/3 - 9:30am
One other thing to mention . . . I'll be assigned to a new Oncologist b/c my current dr. is being relocated up to San Marco in Oct. It's actually a good thing. And if this new oncologist rubs me the wrong way, KP will hear about it.
Wow, I guess I ranted a little bit on this posting.
Tonight, my hair will be cut short in preparation for loosing it. This will be fun. And don't be surprised if I have platnium blonde hair tomorrow! I'll take before and after pictures. Bonnie, I'll be back once my hair grows back. Love you GIRL!
Love you all!
oh, one more link. . . this is fun. A-List B-Cups! Love it! http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-08-12/a-list-b-cups/