Surgery Date Set

Today was a big day. I met with the surgeon and Oncology nurse. Learned a lot. The Dr. recommends I have a lumpectomy. This will involve the removal of the milk dud and breast tissue around it plus some lymph nodes. When I get the all clear, (clear margins) then I'll start radiation treatment (sometime mid-July). This will involve 5 weeks, 5x's a week, 15 minute sessions each day of radiation treatment. My understanding is that the only side effects will be a sunburn on the targeted area.

The lumpectomy is an out-patient procedure. Recovery time is between 2-5 days. I plan to take the whole week off.

Well, that's it for now. If I think of something else that was discussed today, I'll post later.

My friend pulled these cards for me today, very appropriate I think:

From Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention Cards:
“Raise Your Energy Vibration” (front of card)
“Every thought that you have impacts you. By shifting in the middle of a weakening thought to one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibration and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field.”
(back of card)


From the Deepak Chopra Manifesting Good Luck Deck:
“I stop all worrying.” (front of card)
“When I stop worrying things don’t bother me anymore, and I become lighthearted and full of joy.” (back of card)



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